Honours Thesis Summary

Darley Power Fight v Ausnet

An extract of my Honours Thesis on the use of digital ethnography on understanding grassroots activism.

Black T Shirt Cult

Black shirt creatives

Sitting around that conference table, wearing matching black shirts, we weren’t just dressing ourselves—we were signaling our belonging.

Ageism in the Digital Marketing Industry


Wow, that was a disgusting call. Talk about undisguised ageism. A warm conversation quickly turned into a hideous discussion about how I was too old to understand TikTok; hold on to your Almond Decaf! Rant time. I have always tried to be on the edge of emerging martech; that is how I was led down […]

Ritual Experience of Becoming Pinup

Becoming a pinup

The experience of Becoming pinup is a memorable time. The vintage & pinup community is a unique group of everyday people from all walks of life. On special occasions, men and women break the everyday order of lived time to immerse themselves in the culture of the 1950s and 60s. From hairstyles to fashion, they […]